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(Hover over the boxes below to find out more information)


SAIL members have two mandatory meetings per week.


At General Meetings on Monday nights at 8:30, the entire organization comes together to work on leadership skills through activities and guest speakers.


At Committee Meetings, sophomores are able to meet specifically with their committee to plan events and bond as a group.

SAIL has a social event every week coordinated by the SOCIAL committee. Whether it is meeting up to play sand volleyball or studying at a coffee shop, socials are a great opportunity to get together outside of meetings!


SAIL Lunch occurs Monday-Friday each week at different locations on campus like the MSC or Sbisa Underground. The time, date and location are subject to change based on sophomore attendance and determined by the SOCIAL committee. This is the perfect opportunity to grab a bite to eat and socialize between classes!


Service is an important part of SAIL. Our SERVICE committee plans weekly events tailored to best serve our local BCS community. Some of our favorite events include Salvation Army, Butterfly Gardens, and local park cleanups! 


The STRIVE committee is in charge of coordinating professional workshops for SAIL. Whether sophomores are building strong resumes or taking professional headshots, SAIL ensures they are developing professionally with the support of our organization.


Every Monday night, SAILors come together to eat dinner at a restaurant in Bryan/College Station. The SYNC committee coordinates SAIL Supper, where we socialize before heading to our meeting! SAIL Supper often coincides with profit shares to help fundraise for our organization.

Campus Outreach, planned by the STYLE committee, allows SAIL to impact all students at A&M. Through passing out scantrons during test season or handing out popsicles to beat the Texas heat, SAIL hopes to spread joy all around campus. 


Weekly Loot is a fundraiser that occurs at every Monday night meeting! Each week, the SYNC committee will have an item to raffle off. Sophomores are able to buy raffle tickets and the winner will be drawn at the end of the meeting!


Every semester, STRIVE is in charge of making SAIL intramural teams. Whether it is sand volleyball, soccer, or any sport our sophomores are interested in making a team for, intramurals are a great way to stay active and bond with fellow SAILors.

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